FUNDRAISING INQUIRY - FROTH DENTON Are you part of an organization that likes to raise awareness? Froth may be the perfect place to do that. This form will walk you through the steps and getting started. IMPORTANT TERMS & DETAILS Inside Froth Denton Location: Denton First Choice: (Choose a Wednesday or Thursday Only) Alt Date: (Choose a Wednesday or Thursday) Choose Time 4-7 PM (This is the best time for fundraising @ Froth Denton) Venmo Payout Phone Number (Our payouts are via Venmo) Are you a legal non-profit? (Do you have a 501(c)(3) Yes No If yes, what's your 501(c)(3) number? Contact Email Contact Cell Phone Tell me a little about your fundraising idea: Attach Tax Files Link to your website IMPORTANT TERMS & DETAILS By submitting this form, you acknowledge reading the "Important Terms & Details" page. Send IMPORTANT TERMS & DETAILS